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Help Entrepreneurs and Social Impact Organizations Secure Corporate Partnerships

Join The Sponsored Society and Get

- Bi-weekly Coaching Sessions
- Monthly Q&A Session 
- Access to Exclusive Community 
- Talks with Sponsorship Decision Makers 
- Weekly Sponsorship Tips 
- Partnership News & Updates 
- Deck Audits 
- Standard Templates 

FOR ONLY $97/mo $47/mo

You may be asking yourself, "Can I really secure corporate sponsorship dollars for my events, programs and social impact initiatives?!" 

That’s a great question and before I get into the “If or How” I can help you, here’s some recent results my students have gotten…


Do you wish there was a way to get the information, tools and resources you need to land corporate sponsorship deals 
so you can FINALLY stop spending all of your money out of your own pocket to fund your events, digital programming and initiatives?

Have you tried to pitch to potential sponsors only to leave you with no response?

Are you tired of scrolling through Instagram and seeing every event get sponsored but yours?

Does it seem like you spend hours researching and get meetings with brands, but companies keep telling you no without any reason as to why they  can't support you at this time?

If you're anything like me, then you've probably answered yes to these questions. Take a deep breath. It's okay. The corporate sponsorship industry can be difficult to navigate. 

You can spend hours seeking the right contacts, trying to figure out what should be included in your pitch deck and what to say in your pitch emails. All without guidance, support and accountability. 

I'm here to tell you...

There's a better and EASIER way.

It's the same way that has won my clients over $850,000 in corporate sponsorship funding!



I Had No Idea That Everyday People Had Access To Corporate Sponsorship... Before I got into the world of corporate sponsorships, I thought they were solely for athletes and established non profits that hosted programs with thousands of people in attendance. I had no idea there was another world of booking the same (or more) money for things like intimate workshops, conferences, live events and virtual experiences. If you would’ve told me that the world existed years before, I probably would’ve let out a huge belly laugh.

So I Dived Into The Sponsorship World And Made A Lot Of Mistakes...Years ago, I decided to dive in as a complete newbie, not knowing anything besides what I Googled. Little did I know, I was doing so many things wrong. Leaving money on the table countless times. Not having the right contacts. No clue about my numbers. And don’t even mention negotiation! 

That's When I Figured Out A Formula To Consistently Win Sponsorships... Although I was hosting amazing sold out events, I was funding everything out of pocket and even used student loan money to host my first conference. Eventually, I figured out a formula and booked over six-figures in corporate sponsorships for my annual conference! I developed a pitching system, and it’s the gift that keeps on giving. My pitching method has only gotten sweeter with time.

I Want To Hand My Process To You On A Silver Platter.
Today I help go getters like you package, pitch and secure sponsorships for wildly profitable events through my signature programs. If you're an entrepreneur, non-profit Founder, coach, consultant, or service provider; I'll help you create your social impact story in order to secure partnerships. I'm committed to ensuring you have the tools to succeed.

This Is What Joining The Sponsored Society Can Do For You...

You will:

  • Network in a community of like minded business owners, entrepreneurs and founders for support and accountability
  • Gain access to educational sponsorship resources at your finger tips without spending hours researching on your own
  • Receive updates on current sponsorship trends that your business or non-profit organization needs to know as you are pitching 
  • Pitch your opportunities in front of decision makers to improve your sales skills, increase your community impact, and grow your business
  • Experience the guidance you have been looking for in your sponsorship funding journey

What You Will Get When You Join The Sponsored Society 

On Demand & Live Trainings

Live Sponsorship Deck Audits

Weekly Partnership Tips



FOR ONLY $97/mo $47/mo

Here's What Other People Have To Stay About The Methods Inside The Sponsored Society!